Milenco AKS 3004 Hitchlock

Item ID: HF08-5013

Clutch lock for AL-KO AKS 3000. Super Heavy Duty 4mm steel combined with the strongest lock ever used in similar products. Provides both very good protection and is a strong visual deterrent to theft.

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Fits: AK 130, AK 160, AKS 1300, AKS 2004 and AKS 3004

Approved coupling lock from Milenco. The lock meets all standards for security and is SCM MP03, Sold Secure Gold and is SBSC approved. Supplied complete with storage bag and safety ball. Fits the most common couplings. 3 keys included.


Included in the packLock hood, lock, coupling ball and bag
Suitable forAL-KO AKS 3000
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