Robens ZigZag Seat Seat pad

Item ID: OAS310072

Traditional folding seating pad with a small packing size. Perfect for a picnic, school backpacks, or for a forest excursion.

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Size: 38 x 28 x 2 cm
Weight: 35 g

Traditional foldable seating pad in EVA foam, that is durable and insulates well. The pattern of the product alternates between bumps and holes, which gives an increasing comfort and a small pack size.

Robens ZigZag Seat Seating pad

  • EVA foam with closed cells - durable, insulates well, and has a long life span
  • Small pack size
  • Pack straps included
Size38 x 28 x 2.0 cm (LxWxH)
Pack Size28 x 10 x 4 cm
Weight35 g
MaterialEVA closed cell foam
R-value2.2 (2°C)
Based on 8 ratings

Reviews (4)

Verified Buyer
Lätt och smidig att ha med sig lagom stor, och snabb och smidig leverans
Verified Buyer
Bra stadga, lätt bekvämt att sitta på, fungerar som ryggplatta på lättvikts ryggsäck
Verified Buyer
Helt ok för priset!
Verified Buyer
Det bedste siddeunderlag - det isolerer og varmer rigtig godt! Og prisen er superlav :-)