Front and side panels for Awnings




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Here you will find side panels, front panels, sun blockers, and complete awning tents from brands like Fiamma, Thule, and Svenska Tält. Side panels provide excellent protection against both wind and prying eyes, and most of them can be used on either side, allowing you to choose based on wind direction. Complement with a front panel for even better protection against the elements. A sun blocker is an easy-to-install solution that creates shade and keeps the temperature down under the awning while also offering some protection against wind. For those who want the option to fully enclose their space, an awning tent is the preferred choice. The advantage of awning tents compared to buying separate sides and front panels is that they seal better at the corners and also feature a door in the front panel. This combination brings you very close to a true tent. Even with awning tents, you can install just one side panel to provide wind protection on a windy but otherwise warm day.